Saturday, March 31, 2007

13. Why is education so paramount?


EmilyG said...

Education opens new doors, creates new perspectives and raises nationalism. Without education and the sharing of ideas we would all be living in a state of ignorance. When people are educated, they are able to formulate their own opinions. Because of this, I think that when people are educated they are able to demand justice, equality, liberty etc.

j said...

I think that education is very important to have to have in our world today, because with education comes a lot of power. Education helps us to learn about different people and helps us to decide what we wand to believe. Without education there would be no progress. No inventions would have been invented or ideas explained.

sbudar said...

An eduation is one of the most powerful weapons that man can have. It allows for the sharing and formulation of ideas annd opinions. Gaining any sort of education puts an end to ignorence, furthermore broadening ones views.

Caroline said...

As Plato's infamous Allegory of the Cave shows us, knowledge and reason are essential keys neccesary on the path to enlightenment. It is through education that an individual can fully rise to his/her highest potential. In this story, the deprivation of education is so aversive because in essence, women are deprived of a food they so hunger for, and forbidden to satisfy their desire to share an intellectual pursuit that has been reserved for men.

Sara Beth said...

Education opens a person's mind. Before, the Little Chinese Seamstress was illiterate. After being read to by Luo and the Violinist, the literature affected her. She became inspired and moved to the city to see what else there was in the world. Latifa already finished high school by the time the Taliban reigned. However, her dreams of becoming a Journalist were limited due to the harsh rules against women. Once the Taliban governed Afghanistan, Latifa was confined to her home, alone and depressed. Education leads to many opportunities. Without it, people are limited.

Chad said...

Education has a great deal of importance in most societies. Knowledge opens a persons mind to other things that are out there in the world. It also causesone to think in differnt ways and have ideas. This is the kind of thing the taliban wanted to prevent.

gimmec0okies said...

Education is very important because it widens our awareness of other people/cultures (in addition to just "getting smarter" and all that). Without such knowledge, i think people will think more illogically and create more problems for the future.