Saturday, March 31, 2007

14. Why doesn't Latifa stay with Shakila even though she recognized the fact that the Taliban weren't going to leave?


~c said...

I think Latifa felt such a devotion to her homeland. Even though it was going through such turmoil she still felt that it was home and that was where she belonged.

Kristin said...

I think Latifa didn't stay with Shakila because since they were going to move soon she wouldn't want to burden Shakila's husband's family.

j said...

I also think that Latifa felt a devotion to her where she was born and lived the majority of her life. Also, Shakila was planning on moving to the place where her husband was living to that they could live together. Therefore, not staying with Shakila was the best for Latifa to do. Because she would be able to show loyalty towards her home and not get in the way of the plans that Shakila had with her husband.

sbudar said...

I think that Lafita was so connected with and devoted to her homeland, that she might have felt guilty if she left. There also was the fact that Shakila was going to move in with her husband's family, and Lafita probably didn't want to burden them.

Caroline said...

By not leaving, Latifa was passively resisting the Taliban. Although they took away her dreams, the Taliban could never take away her roots. It might have been possible to flee Afghanistan, but that would almost be like admitting defeat, or supporting the Taliban's campaign to eliminate women from society.

gimmec0okies said...

I think that Latifa didn't stay with Shakila because even though she could have had a better life in Pakistan, she felt a deep connection with her home in Afghanistan. In America, I think that it's easier to leave our homes and live in others, but I guess in countries like Afghanistan it is more difficult because they have a much stronger connection to their own country.