Thursday, April 12, 2007

A bewildering streak of love!

I shout from the top of my house,
Nobody should fall in love's snare.
Don't you ever be deceived by it,
You'll find shelter neither here nor there.
Heaving given a glimpse he goes his way,
It'll be like noose and no more,
He is always found too callous to care,
I met my thug in the town of Lahore.
The lover remains quiet.
Lost, as if drunk with elixir.
Entangled in the sweetheart's tresses.
None can help him there.
Asks Bulleh, who has seen the Lord?
He who has seen Him, bears no record.
He has no colour, features or complexion
He must be the thief. If I mistake not.
A bewildering streak of love

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Questions to Asmeh/ Pakistan

Post questions that you would like Asmeh to answer (if she can) in class tomorrow under Open Questions and Women's Rights.

Open Questions to Asmeh:

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Women's Rights

Ask Asmeh questions about her favorite topic: Women's Rights:

Saturday, March 31, 2007

14. Why doesn't Latifa stay with Shakila even though she recognized the fact that the Taliban weren't going to leave?
13. Why is education so paramount?
12. How is Latifa's story like the Little Seamstress?