Saturday, March 31, 2007

4. What is the importance of kite hunting?


macnutmoose said...

Kites were like a sign of freedom, of something flying away from the constraints of the Taliban.

EmilyG said...

I think that kite hunting was a really big part of the Afghan culture because it was a very common hobby and sport. This and other harmless recreational activities have been banned since the Taliban have overtaken the country. The logic and reasoning behind the banning...??

j said...

I thought that the kite hunting part of the book represented a very inmportant symbol, given the situation that they were were in with the taliban. When kite hunting, people were free to do what they wanted and felt no restraints. It was something fun for them to do.

sbudar said...

When you think of a kite, you probably remember playing with them a lot when you were young. The children in Afganistan were restricted from this activity. I think the kites were a symbol for freedom, that the people of Afganistan were prohibited from.

Caroline said...

Kite Hunting symbolizes the carefree spirit and individual autonomy before the Taliban's destruction of liberty. This banned practice also emphasizes the illogical, utterly unjustifiable workings of the corrupt Taliban

~c said...

Kites are often viewed as something that is free and flying. What people often forget is that there is a string that has to anchor it down still. While the kite is free flying for a little, it always still has something that anchors them down. I think that really shows their culture, because while they are free in some aspects, they still have tradition and their religion that anchors them down. The kite hunting just shows again how their lives were, by being free sometimes, but only with the string getting loosened from the anchor.

Zooey said...

Kite hunting represents a time of freedom. When the kites were flying little boys were playing and there was no war. It also reminds the writer of times when her brothers used to play with kites and go kite hunting.

Chad said...

I think that the importance of kite hunting was to show how restricted they were. Kite hunting is a common sport there and it is a simple fun game. When kite hunting was allowed the people felt free like a flying kite, but when their rights were restricted they felt boxed up.

Kristin said...

I think the importance of kite hunying in the book was a symbol of the freedom that they had in Afghanistan before the Taliban took over. It was a way for the children to enjoy themselves