Saturday, March 31, 2007

14. Why doesn't Latifa stay with Shakila even though she recognized the fact that the Taliban weren't going to leave?
13. Why is education so paramount?
12. How is Latifa's story like the Little Seamstress?
11. Did all homes paint their windows black?
9. Latifa's sister is engaged/ married. What is the common age to get married in Afganistan?
How important is the act of marriage?
8. How can the women not rebel, ban together and voice their opinions?
7. Why is the Taliban against women? What is the difference between the Taliban and Al Queda?
6. What happens to the rest of the family?
5. Is life back to normal and not under strict regulations?
4. What is the importance of kite hunting?
3. When women are raped is it common to marry the rapist, or do they kill themselves?
2. Did Latifa's father run his business again?
1. Questions: Is the book written in English or is it a translation?